Abbott secures FDA approval for dual-chamber leadless pacemaker

Abbott secures FDA approval for dual-chamber leadless pacemaker

According to a statement from Abbott, "millions of people across the U.S." with abnormal or sluggish heart rhythms will now have easier access to leadless pacing thanks to the dual-chamber system. According to the business, more than 80% of people who require a pacemaker need pacing in both heart chambers. According to Abbott, their dual-chamber leadless pacemaker technology is the first of its kind in the world and has earned approval from the Food and Drug Administration.  The Aveir DR system, manufactured by Abbott, combines the Aveir VR device, which paces the right ventricle and received permission in 2022, and the Aveir AR device, which paces the right atrium and received approval most recently. The gadgets synchronise with a high-frequency signalling technology.

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