AI Outperforms Ophthalmologists at Detecting Eye Disease

AI Outperforms Ophthalmologists at Detecting Eye Disease

The multi-center study evaluated the FDA-cleared EyeArt AI system against dilated eye exams performed by general ophthalmologists and retina specialists on the same cohort of 521 study participants. The objective of the study was to compare general ophthalmologists, retina specialists, and the EyeArt Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to the clinical reference standard for detecting more than mild DR (mtmDR). For mtmDR detection, sensitivity and specificity of EyeArt gradings of 2-field, fundus photographs and ophthalmoscopy grading versus a rigorous clinical reference standard comprising reading center grading of 4-wide field stereoscopic dilated fundus photographs using the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) severity scale.

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