Healthcare Delivery Organization (HDO) Innovation Lifecycle Ontology (ILO) - HDO-ILO

Innovation Interview Questions

This is an optional survey questionnaire that the members can answer and help with inputs to come up with the HDO ILO version 2.0

The set of questions is based on the ILO framework. This survey will help reflect on the current challenges faced by your organization in the innovation space. If you are interested in an interview in relation to this survey please email us at

Innovation Expectations

  1. How do you set your expected goals and OKRs?

  2. Do you feel the need to follow an innovation management process? If not, why?

  3. How do you tackle the struggle to convert requirements into actionable items for the innovation team to work on?

  4. What mistakes were made during the expectation phase, and how were those mistakes tackled?

  5. How do you create a set of methods, processes and procedures to add some predictability in terms of innovation?

  6. What are other but equivalent to OKRs, KPIs frameworks that you use in crafting your innovation strategy for translating patient expectations into realization of goals?

  7. How much similarity do you see between Product Lifecycle Management and Innovation Lifecycle Management if we think about innovation in hospitals from a lifecycle perspective and Innovation as a Product?

  8. What are your top objectives when you are doing innovation planning in hospitals?

  9. Is there alignment between individuals seeking innovative solutions and those providing them on key issues, including such as:

    a. What qualifies as innovation?

    b. What it takes to achieve innovation?

    c. What level of innovation is being achieved?

    d. Does innovation meet customer needs? If not, why not?

  10. What roles do the senior leadership play in setting the innovation agenda?

  11. How does the top leadership team interact, participate and drive innovation through its entire lifecycle?

  12. What responsibilities do the senior innovation team assume to drive the organization’s innovation content, capability and results?

  13. How is the success of innovation objectives defined, measured, monitored and sustained in your hospitals/health system?

  14. At what points are specific metrics applied? How will metrics change as innovation strategies change?

  15. Do you treat innovation as an ongoing discipline? Who are involved in developing and implementing innovation as an ongoing discipline?

  16. How does your organization manage turnover and succession so the skills and capabilities needed for innovation are maintained and deepened over time through the innovation lifecycle stages?

Innovation Discovery

  1. What frustrates you about innovators approaching you with their solution?

  2. What would you expect from such innovators when they approach you?

  3. What is the unique innovator differentiation that you have seen?

  4. Where do you find obstacles in communicating your challenge stories with the innovators?

  5. How would you like your innovator to communicate their story to solve your problems?

  6. What advice would you provide to your innovation development team on how much time to wait for an innovator to come up with a feature vs use whatever feature is available within your existing product vs discover others providing that feature?

  7. What mistakes were made during the discovery phase, and how were those mistakes tackled?

  8. How do you prioritize innovation tasks? What are the parameters that you consider for prioritization? Do high engagement areas such as interactions between clinicians and patients take the highest priority? Or is it something else?

Innovation Evaluation

  1. How do you evaluate solutions before you pilot them?

  2. How much do you care about social proofs on review sites such as KLAS, Gartner, F&S etc to evaluate innovations and why?

  3. Has innovation evaluation strategies implemented at the facility affected the way you hire staff?

  4. What is your go-to strategy to identify innovations driving the move to the digital front door?

  5. What mistakes were made during the evaluation phase and how were those tackled?

  6. What kind of evaluation systems for innovators would you help you in decision making?

  7. How much do you think are partnerships important for a truly long-term successful innovation strategy when we look at it from a lifecycle perspective?

  8. What do you focus the most when deciding about innovation partnerships with other organizations when evaluating new vendors and technologies?

Innovation Pilots and Early Adoption

  1. How do you pilot your solutions?

  2. What mistakes were made during the early adoption phase, and how were those tackled?

  3. What processes in the pilot stage have helped you identify innovations tailored (personalised care) to the diverse needs of your patients?

  4. How do you decide about the size of the pilot and effort and keep it in check and the right size?

Innovation Procurement

  1. What are some of the important questions that you cover in the RFPs for your vendors to drive purchase decisions?

  2. What are the most common pain points during the inventory procurement process?

  3. What common mistakes have you identified in the procurement process over the years?

Innovation Diffusion

  1. What struggles do you see when implementing solutions across your facility?

  2. What formal process do you adopt for diffusion?

  3. Post diffusion how do you train your staff?

  4. How much do you rely on the vendors to train your staff and why?

  5. What are the top internal IT limitations, challenges, that affect diffusion process and how do you manage them?

  6. What change management processes have worked best in your hospital to manage diffusion-related challenges?

  7. What barriers do you encounter in innovation adoption? Examples include funding, regulatory requirements, planning and resource allocation processes, levels of internal and external expertise, intellectual property considerations, organizational and leadership support, and metrics and incentives etc.

  8. How much time do you allow the leader(s) to drive results?

Innovation Recognition

  1. How do you recognize innovator pools that are doing things well?

  2. Within the facility how do you recognize teams that make use of the innovation to their benefits?

  3. What approach do you follow to encourage adoption of innovation within the organization?

  4. How do you measure the value the innovation has provided towards patient care?

Innovation Failure

  1. How do you know if an innovation has failed?

  2. What steps do you to take to tackle problems that rise due to innovation failures?

  3. Has there been a significant impact on care delivery in your organization due to failure of innovation?

  4. How do your different failure of an innovation vs failure of an innovation due to lack of operational processes?

  5. How do you deal with innovation failures, when is it part of the process and when is it unacceptable?

  6. What are some examples of successful or failed innovations at your centre?

  7. How do you monitor/measure that the innovation is heading toward the right path?

  8. How do you define success from an innovation activity in a hospital? How do you measure it? How often do you evaluate innovation success – quarterly, annually?

  9. What kind of inter-departmental and intra-departmental conversation do you promote or wish to see for a healthy and effective innovation process to avoid its failure?

  10. Do you have a mechanism to find and evaluate the reasons of innovation failures?

  11. In any given innovation focus area, where has innovation succeeded and not succeeded?

  12. How do you ensure the organization is able to create an environment to foster entrepreneurship and innovation?

  13. How do you integrate disciplines such as design, engineering, psychology, and behavioral economics to address persistent patient problems that prevent health systems from providing high-value care?

Innovation Exnovation

  1. How do you know when it is time to stop doing something, or to turn off legacy solutions?

Return on Innovation

  1. How do you ensure appropriate benchmarks to measure the ROI of the innovation?

  2. What common misconceptions has your organization cleared over the years in distinguishing between the ROI on R&D Vs ROI on diffusion and adoption?

  3. What funding model best suits your organization’s innovation goals?

  4. What level of funding do you need and when? How are funding decisions made on an ongoing basis?

Innovation Leadership

  1. How do you encourage your staff to embrace innovation?

  2. What are some cost-effective decisions your team has made when it comes to innovations?

  3. What type of innovators do you admire and why?

  4. How are you empathizing with all the stakeholders in the care value chain when it comes to innovations?

  5. What qualities and skillsets have you noticed that characterize top innovators?

  6. How do you deal with staff that work against the culture of innovation adoption?

  7. What are the most significant steps an innovation leader at an organization take to remain effective in their job?

  8. How do you assure leadership and decision-making flexibility to facilitate a long-term innovation strategy that can evolve and change?

  9. What steps do you take to effectively incorporate innovation oversight into governance work?

Innovation Careers

  1. What people and skills do you search for staffing the innovation function? What are their specific roles and responsibilities?

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