Viewics Platform

Roche Diagnostics

Viewics Platform

A Better Way to Manage your Lab

Health Analytics

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We built Viewics to solve the challenge of making healthcare data meaningful. Our platform is safe and secure with the power to transform organizations. The Viewics Platform is an end-to-end healthcare analytics platform that surfaces actionable insights that empower you to improve patient care, operational effectiveness, and financial performance in your lab and across the healthcare continuum.

We built the Viewics Analytics Platform and all its applications to solve the challenge of making healthcare data meaningful. Our solutions are safe and secure with the power to transform organization


  • Interactive

Easy-to-share and customizable dashboards let you deliver key information to whom it matters most

  • Transparent

Preconfigured alerts for common laboratory KPIs proactively notify users at important thresholds for increased transparency and control

  • Relevant

Individually customized dashboards highlight only the most relevant data to ensure end-user comfort and continued use of the platform

  • Insightful

Built-in workflows that promote participation, include sharable dashboards and annotations to enable actionable, data-driven insights.

  • Flexible

Analyze data, from multiple sources, that resides inside and outside of the laboratory environment.

Viewics Platform

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Built on Jul 26, 2024 at 11:42am