Kameda's TeleHealth

Kameda Infologics Pvt. Ltd.

Kameda's TeleHealth

Use of telecommunication technologies to facilitate patient to provider or provider to provider communication


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Kameda’s TeleHealth is a telecommunication technology-based solution that enables patients to communicate with healthcare providers remotely. With Kameda’s TeleHealth, health information can be collected from medical devices or personal mobile devices, allowing for monitoring and tracking of patients’ health status.

One of the key advantages of Kameda’s TeleHealth is its ability to improve access to care and reach more patients. Patients who may have difficulty traveling to a physical clinic or hospital can benefit from remote consultations with their healthcare provider through the telehealth system. Additionally, the platform improves patient engagement and compliance with remote monitoring, which can lead to better clinical outcomes.

Kameda’s TeleHealth also offers several benefits for healthcare providers. The system decreases the load on the healthcare system by reducing the need for in-person visits, and improves clinical workflows, increasing practice efficiency. The platform can also increase revenue for healthcare providers, while cutting costs for both providers and patients.

Furthermore, Kameda’s TeleHealth can improve healthcare quality by allowing for timely care and reducing unnecessary exposure to pathogens, which is especially important during times of pandemics or infectious diseases.

In summary, Kameda’s TeleHealth is a telecommunication technology-based solution that offers several benefits for both patients and healthcare providers, including improved access to care, increased patient engagement and compliance, decreased healthcare system load, increased practice efficiency, revenue growth, cost savings, improved healthcare quality, and reduced exposure to pathogens.

Kameda's TeleHealth

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