Hands At Home Care Services Hospital to Home Care

Hands At Home Care Services LLC

Hands At Home Care Services Hospital to Home Care

Comprehensive and Flexible In-Home Care Package

Hospital at Home

Do you know anyone using Hands At Home Care Services Hospital to Home Care?

Hands At Home’s Stay Well at Home™ Hospital to Home Care Package meets these needs with a care plan, home preparation and transport, and 40 hours of personalized care by a skilled non-medical care provider for a single flat fee of $1200. The package is available anywhere in Vermont. The Hands At Home Stay Well at Home Package provides exceptional in-home care support for anyone returning from a hospitalization to their home.


  • Home Preparation

Prior to discharge, Hands At Home will coordinate with family and friends to get the home ready for arrival. This includes light cleaning, basic safety check, shopping for groceries and pharmacy supplies, arranging furniture to prepare for mobility, and getting a bed prepared.

  • In-Home Care Plan

Our Certified Senior Care Manager will do a client assessment prior to discharge to create an appropriate in-home care plan.

  • Discharge Conference

We will have a caregiver present at discharge to receive instruction about the discharge plan.

  • Calendar

We will help create a calendar for appointments, medication, home care hours, and home health visits.

  • Transportation

One of our trained care aides will provide transportation home and help the patient get settled.

  • 40 Hours of Care

The package includes 40 hours of personalized in-home care with a Hands At Home care services caretaker. The time can be scheduled in any manner over any time period as long as it is scheduled in 4-hour increments.

Hands At Home Care Services Hospital to Home Care

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