Harnessing molecular diagnostics to address antibiotic shortages

Harnessing molecular diagnostics to address antibiotic shortages

Diagnostic testing can play an important role in public health by stopping the dangerous squandering of effective medicines that are in short supply, says David Persing, chief medical and scientific officer at Cepheid.

In recent months, global supply chain challenges have highlighted shortages of essential antibiotics like amoxicillin and penicillin, used to treat infections. Manufacturers warn that this shortage might persist until 2024, compounding existing risks to public health. The upcoming fall and winter, typically associated with viral illnesses, carry even greater concerns due to the emergence of the Eris subvariant of COVID-19. Amid these challenges, the pandemic preparedness infrastructure has been dismantled, and diagnostic testing has become pivotal. Diagnostic tools, like multiplex molecular PCR tests, can accurately identify various diseases from a single sample, ensuring appropriate treatment. Implementing such testing as standard care is crucial for effective antibiotic stewardship and safeguarding public health amid these supply shortages and ongoing health threats.
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