Epic, Nuance Broaden GPT4-Powered Ambient Documentation

Epic, Nuance Broaden GPT4-Powered Ambient Documentation

The collaboration between Epic, Nuance, and Microsoft's Azure OpenAI to increase the use of GPT4-powered ambient documentation in electronic health record (EHR) workflows is highlighted in the article titled "Epic, Nuance Broaden GPT4-Powered Ambient Documentation" by Mike Miliard, published on June 27, 2023. The goal of this partnership is to drastically cut down on the amount of time needed for clinical documentation, from hours to just a few seconds. 

According to the report, the collaboration between Epic, a well-known EHR provider, and Nuance, a healthcare technology firm, intends to improve clinical documentation by utilising GPT4, the most recent version of OpenAI's language model. The objective is to streamline and accelerate the documentation process, which has historically been a time-consuming task for healthcare, by integrating the technology into EHR operations.

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