Digital health reimbursement: The path to improved adoption and impact

Digital health reimbursement: The path to improved adoption and impact

In recent years, the number of digital healthcare items has skyrocketed. It is evident that many, however, have not undergone a thorough review of their efficacy, safety, and usefulness to patients or healthcare systems.1 According to a recent research, 224 US-based digital health enterprises have a 44% market share. Even while the number of digital health solutions entering the market has skyrocketed, many of them lack solid proof, in part because the payment paths are vague or poorly defined. With regard to the convergence of evidence standards and potential for digital health reimbursement, major markets are at various stages, with Germany leading the pack ahead of other nations. To promote more robust evidence creation and greater use of digital solutions, it is crucial to provide clear reimbursement mechanisms for digital health solutions on a national level.

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