Guidea invests $500k in FemTech innovation through UX design sponsorship program

Guidea invests $500k in FemTech innovation through UX design sponsorship program

Through their UX design sponsorship programme Femovate, Guidea, an award-winning UX design agency and partner to 20 Fortune 100 businesses, is investing $500k in FemTech innovation. Women's healthcare technology lags other healthcare fields by decades. The founders of FemTech are battling against enormous clinical and scientific data shortages as well as significant financing disparities while also working to save or enhance the lives of millions of women. The Femovate initiative provides UX research, design, and coaching services at low to no cost to entrepreneurs focused on women's health digital innovation. Theresa Neil, the founder and CEO of Guidea, developed the curriculum to assist FemTech companies in fast developing and/or perfecting their UX in order to improve user experience for users and investor traction.

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