PocketHealth Launches Tool for Sourcing Prior Diagnostic Imaging From Any Provider, Anywhere

PocketHealth Launches Tool for Sourcing Prior Diagnostic Imaging From Any Provider, Anywhere

PocketHealth, a patient-centric, no-network medical image-sharing platform launches Record Retrieval to solve challenges that hospitals and imaging centers face while requesting and retrieving prior imaging from patients, referring physicians, or healthcare sites.

Record Retrieval streamlines patient intake by creating an easy workflow that auto-imports data into PACS and fills the gaps left by CD-ROMs, VPNs and legacy networks.

Typically, hospitals and imaging centers are challenged with sourcing and retrieving prior imaging from multiple sources as part of the patient intake process, many of which are not secure, including CD-ROMs stored at a patient’s home or mailed in from a provider site, VPNs or legacy image sharing networks.

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