A 24-Hour Skin Patch That Monitors Blood Pressure: The BioBeat Review

A 24-Hour Skin Patch That Monitors Blood Pressure: The BioBeat Review

We've been waiting a long time for a comfortable and reliable method for long-term blood pressure monitoring. Even if you manage to find a bearable sleeping position with the big box, holter monitors are hardly comfortable. The cuff will be inflated numerous times throughout the night, waking you up several times. We must also note that there is no assurance that patients would adequately complete the measurements with a typical device, despite the fact that 24-hour data are unquestionably more useful than irregular readings. This is why I started testing the BioBeat 24-hour blood pressure monitor with high expectations. Reflective photoplethysmography (PPG), a non-invasive optical technique that detects heart rate, is the foundation of the technology itself.

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