81% of Consumers Say a Good Patient Experience is Very Important When Interacting with Healthcare Providers

81% of Consumers Say a Good Patient Experience is Very Important When Interacting with Healthcare Providers

Redpoint Global, a leading software provider that helps brands deliver revenue-generating, personalized customer experiences, today announced new research revealing gaps between the experiences consumers want and expect from healthcare providers and the experiences their providers are actually delivering. The majority of consumers rate good patient experience as a very important component of interacting with a healthcare provider, and 45 percent also expect healthcare brands and providers to proactively contact them, at the right time and in the right context, to help improve wellness and care. Healthcare is also deeply impacted by the changing attitudes of different generations in the U.S. More than 80 percent of Baby Boomers rank patient care as very important, whereas only 69 percent of Gen Z consumers feel the same. The youngest consumers feel that data from providers is relevant and easy to access (76 percent), and they are also the most dissatisfied with the overall customer service experience with healthcare insurers (22 percent) versus Baby Boomers who were the most satisfied at 91 percent.

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