Digital Health, Telehealth Technology Can Enhance Hearing Care Access

Digital Health, Telehealth Technology Can Enhance Hearing Care Access

New research shows that digital health and telehealth technology can improve hearing care access by enabling audiology assessments to be conducted remotely. Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, new research shows how various digital health solutions, including telehealth technology-based intervention methods, can work to enhance hearing care access. In this study, researchers found that an audiology assessment conducted via telehealth could help improve access to hearing care. Robler and other researchers from UAMS are also conducting studies in rural Alaska, using collaborative research to close hearing health disparities. "There is much work to be done to ensure everyone has equal access to hearing health care, regardless of where they live, and that the evidence generated in hearing-related clinical trials is robust and representative," said Robler.

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